FloorCloths by Andrew Bulloch
Photo Gallery

9'x 12' Colonial / Coastal Living Room Floorcloth

5'8" x 8'8" Custom Colonial Williamsburg Landscape
Floorcloth with beige marble & black diamonds

[Close-up] Colonial Williamsburg Ca​pitol​

[Close-up] Fall: Raleigh Tavern, Prentis Store, Randolph House, Courthouse, St. George Tucker House, Compton Oak Tree and Bruton Parish Church [in order]

[Close-up] Colonial Williamsburg Governor's Palace

37" x 43" Stairway landing matching
beige marble & black diamond floorcloth

8' 2" Custom Octagonal Wate​r ​in Motion​​​ floorcloth​​

Close-ups of Water in motion border​​

8' 6" x 9' 6" Custom French Colonial dinning room table floorcloth​​​​​

Custom Kitchen Floorcloth with Northeastern North Carolina Map,
Sand Dunes and Blue Heron

2' x 3' Rooster Entryway Floorcloth

Custom Shape Study Floorcloth with multiple angles

5' 5" x 7' 5" Rose Marble Blocks w/ black tile inlay

2' x 3' Burgundy Marble Floorcloth

35" x 45" Cheetah Print Floorcloth

Custom 32" x 80" Gray Marble w/ multiple Compass Rose
corresponding Stairway Landing Floorcloth

32" x 6' Beige Marble with Deluxe Compass Rose

Custom 4' x 6' Medallion Repeat w/ Multi-Borders

Custom 7' 4" x 12' Dining Room Floorcloth…
black and gray marble diamonds with multiple borders

Custom Kitchen-Breakfast Nook with Geometric Design and Primary Colors

35.5" x 57.5" Custom Rainbow Trout Riverbed

2' x 3' Flower Welcome

5' x 7' Light Beige Marble w/ Blue Deluxe Compass Rose
and Indented Corners

9' Custom Circle with Marbled Interior Blocks
and Welcome Pineapples plus Scroll Work